What is the hot spot effect of solar panels, and what are the precautions in daily use?

1. What is the solar panel hot spot effect?

The solar panel hot spot effect refers to that under certain conditions, the shaded or defective area in the series branch of the solar panel in the power generation state is regarded as a load, consuming the energy generated by other areas, resulting in local overheating. This phenomenon is called The “hot spot effect” of solar panels. The hot spot effect will reduce the output power of the solar panel to a certain extent. If the heating temperature exceeds a certain limit, the solar panel will be partially burned to form dark spots, solder joints will melt, and the packaging materials will be aged. Permanent damage, etc., will affect the output of the solar panel. The important factors of power and service life may even lead to safety hazards.

2. Precautions in daily use

A. Remove foreign objects such as weeds near the solar panel in time, and clean up the dust, bird droppings and other foreign objects on the surface of the solar panel in time to ensure that there is no debris on the surface of the solar panel

B. Clean the solar panel regularly to prevent the phenomenon of low temperature and freezing in winter.

C. Minimize solar panel collision and other phenomena when handling solar panels. It is forbidden to place heavy objects on the solar panels to prevent internal damage to the solar panels.

D. In daily maintenance, timely replacement of damaged solar panels is also an important measure to prevent hot spot effects.

solar panels

Post time: May-25-2023