What are average and peak sunshine hours?

First of all, let us understand the concept of these two hours.

1.Average sunshine hours

Sunshine hours refers to the actual hours of sunlight from sunrise to sunset in a day, and average sunshine hours refers to the average of the total sunshine hours of a year or several years in a certain place. Generally speaking, this hour only refers to the time from sunrise to sunset, not the time when the solar system is running at full power.

2.Peak sunshine hours

The peak sunshine index converts the local solar radiation into hours under the standard test conditions (irradiance 1000w/m²), which is the sunshine time under the standard daily radiation intensity. The daily standard amount of radiation is equal to a few hours of exposure to 1000w of radiation, and this number of hours is what we call the standard sunshine hours.

Therefore, TORCHN generally use the second one Peak sunshine hours as a reference value when calculating the power generation of solar power systems.If you want to purchase solar photovoltaic products, please leave a message to us.

Post time: Aug-16-2023